Tuesday 4 November 2014

Awesome Inventions Made by Chinese People!!!

All Photographs were taken from Business Insider.com

Hey Folks, As you already know, I am extremely fascinated by China, Chinese people including their main language, Mandarin. Well, you all also know that I share everything I happen to discover in my research of everything Chinese related. It so happens that this particular article fell into my lap, well, more like my page, my Facebook page. I have a few Facebook friends who post articles from well respected news sites such as Business Insider, Time and The Economist. The most recent article concerning ordinary Chinese people came from the Business Insider. I thought that this story was a Must Tell story because it is so intriguing to see the really out of this world inventions that these Chinese made so I simply had to immediately write a blog about it.

Ok, so this article is about 31 innovative, unique and somewhat crazy inventions made or which are currently still being worked on! The inventions are generally HUGE in size ranging from various types of robots, air crafts, water bicycles, homemade submarines and even miniature submarines! It is not that these inventions were never made before but they used the already existing idea or prototype for the product and modified it for a different purpose or possibly to market it to a different niche audience. This to me is what exemplifies ENTREPRENEURSHIP!!! These Chinese are Truly Great examples of the True Spirit of what an Entrepreneurship embodies!!!

Read The Full Article and See More Pictures of these Incredible Inventions here:-

1 comment:

Rajesh Boodooram said...

I have to say that's rather creative ideas. While you are learning about Mandarin, you are also learning about the country, the people and the things that are broader than what you are trying to achieve. It's a nice way to reinforce your willingness to learn Mandarin. :)