Wednesday 26 November 2014

Chinese Tea:- Collaborative Video Blog with Lisa from Fun Healthy Foodie

I did a collaborative video blog with Lisa Hernandez of Fun Healthy Foodie and I must say I had a blast! It was very interesting and informative. Working with Lisa was a pleasure! She is kind, considerate, articulate, open minded and really cool and easy going. She was indeed lots of fun to work with. She came prepared and filled with knowledge about the Jasmine tea and knew all the details about how the tea is actually made and brewed in China. I learned a lot about the process involved when making the tea and I also shared a little information about the Chinese tea culture and how important tea is regarded in their culture. 

I must say the Jasmine Chinese tea tasted good and I was surprised by the strength of the brew after using just a couple of spoonfuls. This was my longest video blog thus far with just over seven minutes in length. It was one of the easiest video blogs to edit and put together however I still had some minor technical difficulties but I think the end result made it all worth it! I was really satisfied with the outcome and I think Lisa really liked it too! 

Chinese Tea Culture is an essential part of their tradition for over a thousand years. The serving of tea is also named "cha dao" which means the way of tea. It is often seen as a mark of respect and could even be used as a form of an apology after doing someone wrong. Unlike most cultures, the tea itself is often used as much more than a simple beverage but also used as an important part of Chinese cuisine and herbal medicine. 

After hearing about all the health benefits of Chinese tea and personally tasting it, Lisa convinced me to not only drink more tea but to incorporate it into my daily routine and even substitute other beverages for tea because it is a lot healthier than juices or soda. Imagine, Lisa even gave me some of the Jasmine petals to carry with me and brew at home at my own leisure! I am Truly Loving the Chinese culture with All its benefits! 


Unknown said...

Although I'm not an avid tea-drinker as I prefer iced tea myself, this was indeed interesting. Keep it up ladies.

Unknown said...

Good job ladies

Jems said...

Wow, very intriguing, I always know there was something with that tea why they like it so much, thanks for sharing!