Thursday 27 November 2014

Carnival Make Up with Candace (Collaborative Blog)

It was a delight working with Candace Porter to do a Carnival Make Up video blog while I point out and highlight facial features and make up in Mandarin. She was really funny plus Janeil and Roneil were also there as an audience because the both of them and Candace subsequently did their own collaboration afterwards. At first I thought it might have been distracting but it actually made it really enjoyable. 

This is by far the longest video blog I have done thus far. It is over 13 minutes in length and I experienced a lot of technical difficulties. I am using Windows Movie Maker for Windows 7 which has a lot less features than Windows 8 therefore I had to take it to someone who had a version of Movie Maker in Windows 8 to rotate a few video clips for me. Other than that, it wasn't that difficult to do. Anyone who is accustomed to editing video be it for work or a school project would know that video editing requires an enormous amount of patience! 

I found the whole experience to be informative and I learned a few stuff in not only editing the video but I got some really useful make up tips. The make up tips would certainly come in handy since I am a frequent user of cosmetics and there was certain things that I didn't realize until she pointed them out in the video blog. One thing she said was that she does her foundation and powder after making up the eyes so as to cover up any fall out or excess eye shadow that may fall on the cheeks or near the nasal region. This made a lot of sense because if you do the eye shadow afterwards, you may have some cleaning up to do which would mean double work for yourself or the make up artist. 

It was a wonderful memorable experience working with Candace. One that I'm sure I won't ever forget! It is these experiences that actually make studying Mass Communications not only entertaining but also quite worthwhile! 

Here is a link of a List of Facial Features in Mandarin:-

Parts of the Face in Mandarin


Unknown said...

This was a good way to combine learning the Mandarin words for the face while Candace did her makeup tutorial. Keep it up!!

Unknown said...

great job very interesting even tho i don't use make up lol very well done

Jems said...

Very nice collaboration, well done girls!